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Labor Shortage, Hiring, and DEI Challenges: Advice for Startups

1840 & 公司率先推出全球人才解决方案,解决初创企业招聘难题, labor shortages, and diversity aspirations.
Labor shortages, hiring, and DEI challenges

Originally published on PRWeb

KANSAS CITY, Kan., Aug. 28, 2023 – Following a record-breaking 9.1% inflation in June 2023, 美国的创业公司发现自己很难维持生计. 随着风险资本家(vc)在融资决策中更加挑剔,美国人才库要求该国有史以来最高的保留工资, 传统的人力资源解决方案不足以解决这些紧迫的问题. Enter 1840 & Company, 开创了改变游戏规则的方法:将业务流程外包(BPO)与加速器模型融合在一起. “By tapping into a global workforce, startups can bridge talent gaps, redirect resources for key roles, and foster diverse workplaces,” says CEO, Bryan DiGiorgio. 这一创新战略成为创业公司应对劳动力挑战的灯塔, inflation’s impact on HR, and DEI aspirations, promising transformative outcomes.

Concern 1 – Labor Shortage

劳动力短缺是由于企业不愿支付合理的工资造成的,这描绘了一个不完整的图景. 事实是,劳动力市场上长期存在技能缺口,原因是在低需求领域获得学位的应届毕业生过多.

As a result, startups in engineering, the sciences, and finance are struggling to find qualified candidates on US soil. With 75% of organizations planning to expand their workforce this year, 许多企业将无法做到这一点,除非他们能够绕开劳动力短缺的问题.

Concern 2 – Attraction & Retention

Hiring and retaining employees has also been a struggle.

通货膨胀常常导致人们寻求更高的工资来抵消不断上涨的生活成本. 结果是,潜在的雇员可能会坚持等待符合他们期望薪水的机会, leaving vacancies unfilled. 与此同时,越来越多的现有员工正在考虑转投薪酬更高的工作.

Concern 3 – Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI)

35%的人力资源主管认为营造一个多元化和包容性的工作环境是当务之急. However, HR often face resource constraints, as DEI programs tend to take a backseat to core business operations. Furthermore, being relatively inexperienced in DEI, 像初创公司这样的年轻公司在实施这些项目时可能会遇到偏见和盲点.

HR’s Traditional Toolbox

Confronting these issues, HR has turned to tried-and-true methods: facilitating remote work, doling out cost-of-living adjustments, 并提供支持性资源,如心理健康项目和金融研讨会.

当然,这些方法可以让初创公司的工作场所对潜在和现有员工更具吸引力, 他们在解决劳动力短缺或实施有效DEI计划的困难方面做得很少.

鉴于目前的方法不足以解决今年最紧迫的人力资源问题, a new strategy is needed for startups to meet their personnel goals.

The Solution: Business Process Outsourcing with a Startup Accelerator

1840 & Company 将业务流程外包(BPO)与加速器模型结合起来,帮助初创公司重振其人力资源部门.

BPO服务包括根据需要将战略职位外包给世界各地的候选人. Engaged as contractors, 这些远程招聘可以快速解决业务中的特定痛点, 在入职方面,雇主只需要极少的承诺, training, and benefits.

独立签约或直接世界杯足彩海外人才所带来的成本节约和灵活性可以在解决招聘挑战方面创造奇迹. First, the cost of living in other countries is notably lower than in the US, 在某种程度上,离岸专业人员可以以低于当地世界杯足彩的成本签约. By outsourcing certain positions abroad, firms, including startups, 能否克服吸引和留住人才的问题,将节省下来的资金重新用于为本土人才提供更有利可图的核心职位.

第二,业务流程外包服务是解决全国劳动力短缺的直接办法. 因为在美国,接受过科技和金融培训的申请人可能不像以前那么常见了, 将招聘范围扩大到包括全球自由职业者,他们可能同样有能力,但成本很低,这对初创公司这样的高增长公司来说是合乎逻辑的.

最后,BPO服务为公司满足DEI需求提供了一种简单的方法. 从不同地点世界杯足彩远程员工可以带来文化丰富的工作场所体验, 允许新的想法和观点以安全和公平的方式蓬勃发展.

话虽如此,对于较小的公司来说,BPO系统可能很难实施. 很少有创业公司有处理当地福利、工资、税收和合规的经验. 因此,像1840这样专门承包全球人才的创业加速器 & 公司应该在场指导那些打算转向业务流程外包服务.

How Startups Can Overcome HR Obstacles in 2023

The labor shortage, inflation-induced attraction and retention problems, and DEI objectives all pose roadblocks to startups. Business process outsourcing offers a solution to all three obstacles. By entrusting strategic roles to offshore freelancers, startups can close the labor gap, gather the capital to attract and retain key contributors, and promote a cosmopolitan work culture.

About 1840 & Company:

Bryan DiGiorgio, Founder and CEO of 1840 & 公司在定义他创建的公司时,被吸引到1840年. 一个此前因脱节和匮乏而停滞不前的世界突然开始走向历史上前所未有的快速增长. It correlated to his mission and innovative business model. 1840 & 公司是一家革命性的全球业务流程外包和远程团队提供商,总部位于Overland Park, Kansas. From pre-seed to post-IPO, 他们帮助各种规模的成长型公司在全球竞争力模型中解决重大的人员配备和技能短缺问题. With flexible hiring options via traditional outsourcing, vetted freelancing, and direct placement, 1840 delivers all-in-one, comprehensive solutions tailored to a company’s needs. 他们在超过7个国家开展大规模业务,能够在150个不同的国家招聘. 1840 & 公司被《世界杯足彩》杂志评为十大招聘流程外包(RPO)公司. 1840 & Company – revolutionizing the way we work. For more information visit  http://web-sitemap.blairekidsarts.net/

Originally published on PRWeb

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