1840 & 公司标志


Explore the often-overlooked challenges of fixed costs in startup ventures. Discover how strategic financial planning can determine the success of businesses.


堪萨斯城,堪萨斯州2023年8月21日 — As the post-pandemic boom recedes, venture-backed startups in the US tread unfamiliar territory. 通货膨胀和对经济衰退的担忧扰乱了风险投资, leaving these small businesses scrambling for a silver bullet to scale their products and services. 1840 & 公司, 领先的人才解决方案提供商, revolutionizes startup success by blending business process outsourcing (BPO) with an accelerator model to tackle fixed costs and obtain funding. 布莱恩DiGiorgio,首席执行官 1840 & 公司, emphasizes the critical need to devise a pioneering strategy that allows startups to re-direct resources towards core operations. “This approach offers a concrete pathway to securing vital VC funding within the contemporary post-pandemic landscape, all while harmonizing seamlessly with the overarching emphasis on sustainable 增长 and profitability,他说.


考虑到创业公司的财政脆弱性(例如.g.失败率为90%)等等 其中52%的企业依赖风险投资 为了维持生计, one might speculate that the current funding drought could bankrupt most of these fledging companies.

While venture capitalists may have become more prudent in their investments, 他们并不缺钱. 在麦肯锡的一次小组面试中 & 公司, 珍妮德雷尔, 殷拓风险投资公司董事, claims that 风投公司 are sitting on a “record pile” of capital and are just waiting to finance the right startup.(1)

That would be one that can demonstrate sustainable unit economics, 据受邀参加小组讨论的风投人士透露. No longer fixated by entrepreneurs pursuing unconditional 增长, 风投公司 now aim to support visionaries who can deliver long-term profitability.



Fixed business costs in particular pose a major problem to most growing startups. Customarily defined as costs incurred independent of production and profitability, 租金等费用, 公用事业公司, 薪酬待遇(包括福利和遣散费), and employee training can be back-breaking to unprepared businesses.

扩大规模的初创公司往往难以满足供需. 在经济意外之财期间, 他们可能会租用更大的办公室来容纳更多的员工, 但可能会发现人才短缺. 相反, 在经济低迷时期, they may be burdened with costly severance packages when they would much prefer to focus on core operations. 简而言之, fixed business costs are risky because they cannot be easily manipulated and can only be offset by revenue from sales or services.

Startups and 风投公司 find themselves entangled in a game of chicken. 前一组, once relying on VC funding to cover fixed business costs and test their business offering, 现在被要求演示概念证明吗. 与此同时, 风投公司, 是谁慷慨地资助初创公司,希望找到独角兽, now seek sustainable ventures that do not reveal themselves due to fiscal challenges, 包括固定业务成本.

In 2022, running out of capital and a lack of investors accounted for 44% and 47% of startup failures, 分别.(2) If startups do not adapt going forward, expect both causes of failure to be even more prevalent.

Implementing business process outsourcing with a startup accelerator

Business process outsourcing, or BPO services, provides startups and 风投公司 a way out of this conundrum. 不仅仅是一个简单的远程招聘解决方案, BPO services involves entrusting support operations such as accounting & 负责财务、市场营销和人力资源等部门,在全球范围内筛选人才.

BPO services confers multiple advantages to startups looking to scale:

  • Outsourcing allows startups to significantly reduce their physical footprint and overhead, 减少高达70%的固定业务成本
  • Delegating support operations frees up capital that can be better used for innovation, 增长, 提供优质的产品
  • 世界杯足彩远程自由职业者可以节省入职时间 & training costs and benefits while gaining the advantage of round-the-clock productivity
  • Fielding an international team means drawing from a broader talent pool and fostering a more diverse and inclusive work environment

A startup that leverages remote global talent can shed unwanted fixed business costs and benefit from a more cost-effective workforce, 迪尔的爆炸性成功证明了这一点. 通过将大部分流程外包给自由职业者市场, 这家支付公司成为有史以来发展最快的公司之一, 现在的价值是 120亿美元.

然而, going fully global is easier said than done; many startups lack the requisite experience to navigate local benefits, 工资, 税, 和遵从性, 在其他法律复杂性中. Therefore, BPO services should be paired with a startup accelerator like 1840 & 公司 that has proven expertise in vetting, hiring, and managing global talent.

风投注意到创业公司的商业模式, and one that promises to both reduce fixed costs and increase profitability may be precisely what is needed to entice their investment.


风投在他们的投资决策上变得更加挑剔. Sustainability, not unbridled 增长, has become the crucial factor in securing VC support. Business process outsourcing allows startups to adapt to this shift. 通过大幅降低固定业务成本, startups can allocate more capital to core operations and improve their performance, 使自己对风投基金具有吸引力.

1. Mickinsey & 公司. “How Start-Ups Can Manage Uncertain Times: Insights from Leading European Venture Capitalists.“麦肯锡 & 公司, 12月13日. 2022,麦肯锡.com/capabilities/mckinsey-digital/our-insights/how-start-ups-can-manage-uncertain-times-insights-from-leading-european-venture-capitalists.
2. 硅谷银行. 《世界杯足彩》.硅谷银行,svb.com/globalassets/library/uploadedfiles/content/trends_and_insights/reports/startup_outlook_report/us/svb-suo-us-report-2019.pdf. 访问 8月3日. 2023
3. Skynova. “为什么创业公司在2022年失败了?.“天新星,天新星.com/blog/top-reasons-startups-fail. 访问 8月3日. 2023.



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