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什么是远程关闭 & 为什么你需要远程遥控器

了解远程关闭是什么, 为什么它对现代企业至关重要, and how to effectively hire a remote closer to boost your sales and customer engagement.



想了解更多关于远程关闭的信息? 在当今的现代社会, the art of closing deals has transcended beyond the traditional face-to-face meetings and has moved towards virtual and remote. As businesses grapple with increased competition and customer expectations, the concept of remote closing emerges as an efficient new strategy.

The trend towards virtual business processes has accelerated dramatically, with a 增加67% in companies adopting remote closing methods over the past three years.

在本文中, 我们将讨论远程关闭, 它是什么?, and help your business determine whether or note to hire a remote closer.


While the idea originally used to refer to primarily to 房地产交易, 今天, remote closing simply refers to the process of finalizing a sales deal or transaction without the need for physical presence. It leverages digital tools and platforms to facilitate communication, 文档分享, 和合同签订(如 DocuSign), enabling businesses to close deals with clients located anywhere in the world.


本质上,远程关闭使用 远程销售团队 and online technology ultimately designed to optimize the final stages of the sales funnel.

The roles and responsibilities of a remote closer are multifaceted and can extend beyond just sealing the deal. This typically depends on the size of the company and their sales team, but remote closers are typically responsible for:

  • Nurturing client relationships through virtual channels
  • Conducting online product demonstrations or presentations
  • Negotiating terms and conditions via digital communication platforms
  • Utilizing e-signature tools for contract finalization
  • Managing post-closure activities like customer onboarding and feedback collection


Hiring a remote closer is an increasingly popular strategy for businesses looking to enhance their sales processes and improve efficiency. Here are several compelling reasons why integrating a remote closer into your team can be a game-changer:

1. 成本效率

Remote closers reduce the need for physical office space and associated overhead costs such as utilities and office supplies. 通过过渡到远程封闭团队, businesses can significantly lower their operational costs while still maintaining a high level of productivity and professionalism.

2. 扩大人才库

Employing a remote closer allows businesses to tap into a global talent pool, rather than being restricted to the geographic limitations of their local area. This access to a broader range of skills and experiences can lead to higher quality outcomes and innovative sales strategies that may not be available locally.

3. 增加了灵活性

Remote closers can operate across different time zones, providing companies with the ability to conduct business around the clock. This flexibility enhances 客户服务 by enabling businesses to respond to customer needs at virtually any time, 从而加快了销售周期.

4. 世界杯足彩

As business needs fluctuate, it’s easier to scale a remote sales team compared to an in-house team. Businesses can adjust the size of their remote closing team based on current demand without the logistical and financial burdens of hiring and layoffs.

5. 扩大客户覆盖范围

A remote closer can engage with clients across multiple regions without the need for extensive travel. This capability not only saves time and travel expenses but also expands the business’s market reach, allowing it to target new demographics and geographical areas.

6. 关注核心竞争力

With remote closers handling the final stages of the sales process, in-house 团队 can focus on developing core aspects of the business such as product development, 客户服务, 以及潜在客户. This division of labor can optimize operational efficiencies and boost overall productivity.

7. 缩短关闭时间

拥有专注的专业知识, remote closers can shorten the sales cycle by efficiently managing leads and using strategic closing techniques. Their specialized skills in negotiation and closing can achieve quicker consensus and faster deal completions.

8. 改善工作与生活的平衡

远程工作选项 often lead to higher job satisfaction and lower turnover among employees due to the better work-life balance they offer. Satisfied employees are more likely to perform well, bringing stability and consistency to your sales efforts.


Hiring the right remote closer is crucial for the success of your sales strategy. While experience and qualifications are important, there are specific skills and qualities that set exceptional remote closers apart from the rest.

Below are some key skills to look for when hiring a remote closer:

  • 沟通技巧: Exceptional verbal and written communication skills are paramount. Remote closers need to articulate complex ideas clearly and persuasively across digital platforms.
  • 技术熟练程度:对数字工具的高度适应, 包括CRM软件, 视频会议, 电子签名平台, 对效率至关重要.
  • 谈判技巧: The ability to negotiate terms effectively while maintaining positive client relationships is a must-have skill.
  • 自我激励: Remote work requires a high degree of self-discipline and motivation. Look for candidates who are proactive and can work independently.
  • 文化敏感性:考虑到远程关闭的全球性, an understanding of cultural nuances can be a significant asset.


当涉及到世界杯足彩远程终结者, one of the most frequently asked questions is about the salary range. The compensation for a remote closer can vary significantly depending on several factors such as experience, 行业, 地理位置, 以及销售过程的复杂性. 平均, remote closers in the United States can expect a salary ranging from $50,000 to $150,000元/年, with additional commissions and bonuses that can substantially increase their earnings. ZipRecruiter shows an average annual salary of $124,944 per year.

remote closer annual salary range in the USA


It’s important to note that many remote closers work closely with 任命setter and get paid on a commission-based structure, which means their income is directly tied to their performance.

This can be an attractive model for both employers and employees, as it aligns the closer’s financial incentives with the company’s sales goals. Some businesses also offer a base salary plus commission to provide a more stable income, 尤其是对那些刚进入这个角色的人.

Outsourcing to nearshore or offshore locations can also further reduce costs (we can often help our clients save up to 70% on hiring costs).


Businesses looking to hire a remote closer have several avenues to explore. Each one offers distinct advantages based on your specific needs and strategic goals.

一种常见的方法是直接招聘, where businesses recruit candidates themselves using online job platforms, 专业网络, 或者特定行业的招聘板. This approach allows companies to meticulously vet potential hires and ensure a good cultural fit.

Another option is to partner with outsourcing agencies like 1840 & 公司, which specialize in providing vetted remote closers. These agencies offer the benefit of a pre-screened talent pool, significantly reducing the hiring timeline and associated risks.

为了更灵活, businesses might consider freelance platforms where they can hire remote closers on a project-by-project basis, which is ideal for companies with variable demand.

最后,利用 RPO服务 can streamline the entire hiring process, from job posting to final selection.

这些方法都提供了一个可扩展的, efficient solution tailored to different business needs, allowing for seamless integration of top-tier sales talent into existing 团队.


It’s important to address some of the common myths and misconceptions that often surround this modern sales approach:

  1. 远程关闭效率较低: One of the most prevalent myths is that remote closing is less effective than traditional, 面对面的方法. 在现实中, 远程关闭同样可以, 如果不是更多的话, effective due to the speed and efficiency offered by digital tools.
  2. 只适用于小额交易: Another misconception is that remote closing is only suitable for small, less significant deals. 然而, with the right strategy and skilled remote closers, even high-value transactions can be successfully closed remotely.
  3. 缺乏人际关系: Some believe that remote closing lacks the personal touch that comes with face-to-face interactions. Advanced 视频会议 tools and personalized communication strategies can easily bridge this gap.
  4. 安全问题: While it’s true that digital transactions require robust security measures, modern e-signature and encryption technologies ensure that remote closing is as secure as traditional methods.
  5. 它更容易,需要更少的技能与这种信念相反, remote closing requires a unique set of skills, including technological proficiency and exceptional communication abilities, 要有效率.
  6. 远程关闭者不太负责: The notion that remote closers are less accountable due to the lack of physical supervision is unfounded. Performance metrics and regular check-ins ensure accountability.
  7. 这是一个暂时的趋势: Some view remote closing as a temporary trend, driven by the pandemic. 然而, the shift towards remote work and digital transactions suggests that remote closing is here to stay.


In 今天’s fast-paced and increasingly digital business landscape, remote closing has emerged as a strategic necessity for companies aiming for growth and global reach.

通过了解它的进化, recognizing the key skills required in a remote closer, 揭穿常见的误解, businesses are better equipped to integrate this innovative approach into their sales strategy.

As we move towards a more flexible and decentralized work environment, embracing remote closing is a critical step in optimizing sales processes and staying competitive in the market.

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