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10 Best Nearshore Outsourcing Companies for US Businesses

Explore the top nearshore outsourcing companies of 2024, 提供混合成本效益, 熟练的人才, 以及美国企业的文化一致性.



For years, businesses have sought 具有成本效益的 solutions for their operational needs, 经常求助于 outsourcing 作为一种战略方法.

传统上,这意味着寻找 在遥远的海岸 比如印度、乌克兰和菲律宾,这些国家以其离岸外包能力而闻名.

Today, 越来越多的公司现在通过近岸外包来探索离本土更近的选择. This emerging trend capitalizes on the blend of highly skilled labor, 降低成本, 文化相似性, making it an attractive proposition for both technical and non-technical roles.


近岸外包是一种商业实践,公司将业务外包给地理位置接近的国家的外部组织. This proximity typically ensures similar time zones and cultural ties, leading to enhanced communication and collaboration efficiency.


  • 改进的通信: 由于最小的时区差异.
  • 文化亲和力: 促进更顺畅的业务互动.
  • 高效的合作: Easier travel for meetings and aligned working hours.

近岸外包是企业寻求有效和经济有效地利用全球人才的战略选择. 它提供了一个平衡的解决方案,通过增强控制和协作来确保高质量的服务.

比较外包地点:近岸vs. Onshore vs. Offshore

近岸外包, involving collaboration with services in neighboring or similar time zone countries, strikes a balance between cost and cultural affinity.

在岸外包, 在同一国家的哪个地方提供服务, promises the highest alignment in terms of culture and business practices, 尽管代价往往更高.

离岸外包, in contrast, is characterized by engaging services in distant countries, 提供显著的成本节约,但在时区和文化差异方面提出了挑战. Each model presents a unique blend of benefits and considerations, making the choice highly dependent on specific business needs, 预算限制, 项目要求.



Navigating the world of nearshore outsourcing can be a complex task, 尤其是当你试图在众多选择中找到合适的服务提供商时. 为了简化搜索并确保战略匹配,请关注以下重要事项:

  1. 语言能力: Verify their ability to communicate effectively in your preferred language, 确保互动顺畅、清晰.
  2. 文化定位: Gauge their cultural compatibility with your organization, 对于无缝集成和协作至关重要.
  3. 透明的价格:了解他们的定价结构, looking for transparency and alignment with your financial expectations.
  4. 卓越的服务通过客户评价和绩效指标评估服务质量.

考虑到这些关键点,我们整理了一份顶级近岸外包公司的名单. Each company brings its own unique strengths and approaches to customer satisfaction, 迎合不同的服务需求.


1. 1840 & Company

最佳近岸外包公司#1 - 1840 & Company

1840 & Company 是专门提供可扩展和远程劳动力解决方案的全球业务流程外包提供商吗. 我们协助企业寻找, hiring, and paying world-class remote talent and teams across 150 countries, 包括 拉丁美洲地区 (nearshore). 我们有能力为客户提供经过严格审查并在其所在时区工作的人才.

我们的服务包括现代外包解决方案、员工扩充和直接安置. 我们通过可伸缩来简化业务流程, 具有成本效益的, 创新的外包解决方案, 为近岸和离岸团队提供专业的专业知识和可扩展性. We support businesses in various functions, including 会计/财务, back office, 呼叫中心, development, marketing, sales, and 人力资源.

需要近岸外包咨询? For a free consultation on offshore outsourcing, feel free to 预约电话 我们的成长专家.

2. Distillery

下一个是, Distillery stands out as a premier nearshore software development company, renowned for its commitment to innovation and quality. They offer a range of services including staff augmentation, 专门的团队, 软件外包, tailored to meet the specific needs of their clients. Distillery is known for recruiting top-tier development talent, ensuring that their clients benefit from high-quality, efficient, 以及具有成本效益的软件解决方案. However, they also provide services in areas like application security testing, 工程数据, analytics, UX/UI设计.

Distillery’s nearshore engineering talent works closely with client teams, seamlessly integrating to help achieve new levels of growth and success.

3. NovaTech

Novatech is a renowned provider of managed IT and print services, known for delivering comprehensive technology solutions to businesses. 他们的服务旨在简化业务操作、提高效率和降低成本. Novatech offers a wide range of services including managed IT services, 云解决方案, 网络安全, 以及文档管理. They are particularly noted for their expertise in managing print services, 提供最先进的打印机和复印机, 以及维护和支持.

4. Softtek

Softtek 是近岸外包的全球供应商吗, offering a comprehensive range of IT services and solutions. They specialize in areas such as service transformation, 投资组合变换, 数字加速.

Softtek的IT服务方法具有变革性, focusing on modernizing and optimizing business processes and systems. 他们的专业知识横跨各个行业, 包括银行, healthcare, retail, 和政府, showcasing their ability to cater to diverse sector needs.

Key offerings include digital solutions like cloud services, IT基础设施, 数字安全, and DevOps.

5. BairesDev


BairesDev 是否有另一家领先的近岸技术解决方案公司专门为企业加速软件开发. 他们夸耀自己有一支超过4人的队伍,000 timezone-aligned software engineers with expertise in more than 100 technologies, making them a go-to partner for companies looking to scale their development teams.

Their services range from custom software development, QA和测试, 人工智能与数据科学, 移动应用开发, 用户体验/ UI设计, 以及平台和基础设施解决方案.

该公司以其使用人工智能的能力而闻名, 机器学习, and 工程数据 technologies to unlock business value and build performant, scalable, and secure mobile applications for iOS and Android devices.

6. Gorilla Logic

Gorilla Logic 是一家充满活力的近岸外包公司,专门从事构建技术解决方案,有效地讲述客户的故事. 拥有超过20年的经验, 他们与各行各业的数百家领先的财富500强和SMB公司合作开发业务关键型软件应用程序.

他们的服务范围很广, 包括线框图, prototyping, Web和移动开发, and more. Gorilla Logic的团队由战略设计师组成, 解决方案架构师, 以及致力于交付组织所依赖的产品的敏捷近岸团队. 他们在Python、React/Redux、亚马逊网络服务(AWS)、 .Net, Angular, MS SQL, Azure, and Selenium for QA Automation.

Gorilla Logic stands out for its approach to strategic design, 将猜测排除在开发之外,并确保每个项目都符合客户的愿景和目标.

7. DB1 Global


DB1 Global is more than just a nearshore software development company; they position themselves as a strategic technology partner. 他们的方法以了解客户需求的每一个细节为中心, 调整预期, and creating a work plan through a thorough technical diagnosis. 这个过程确保他们交付价值并解决每个项目的具体挑战.

The company offers a range of services including software development, 移动开发, UX和UI设计, 质量保证, 软件架构, 项目管理. They are particularly noted for their expertise in software craftsmanship, 确保他们的开发工作使用最好的技术产生商业价值.

8. Revelo

Revelo 是否有另一家流行的近岸外包公司专门从事构建远程开发团队. They focus on connecting businesses with top remote developers from Latin America, who are pre-vetted for both technical and soft skills. 对于那些希望世界杯足彩能够在美国时区同步工作的开发人员的公司来说,Revelo的模式尤其有利.

Revelo’s platform supports a wide range of technical roles, 从高级开发人员到技术主管和主管. 他们拥有300多个会员的庞大网络,000名英语熟练考生, 确保人才多样化. 该公司因其降低与采购相关的间接成本的能力而受到高度评价, hiring, 人力资源, while also breaking geographical barriers to access a broader talent pool.

9. Belatrix

Belatrix是Globant的一个部门,是软件开发外包领域的杰出参与者. They specialize in providing top software developers and engineers on-demand, catering to a wide range of programming languages and technologies including Java, .Net, Python, c++, Node.js、React等等. Belatrix以其提升各行业技术领导者软件开发的能力而闻名, from global brands to innovative startups and unicorns.

他们的流程精简而高效, starting from understanding the client’s specific needs, 包括技能和经验水平, 迅速将人才纳入客户队伍, processes, and tools. Belatrix提供了一个灵活的模型, 允许客户根据项目需求轻松地扩大或缩小团队规模.

Belatrix的方法是技术不可知论, making them a versatile partner for clients in various sectors, 包括金融, healthcare, and more. 它们能够适应任何客户流程并提供多时区支持,这进一步增强了它们作为软件开发外包首选的吸引力.

10. Octobot


Octobot 是一家软件开发机构,擅长通过外包给拉丁美洲来改变人们的数字体验. 他们专注于提供以用户为导向的设计, 高层发展, 可扩展的技术解决方案. Octobot的方法以理解和解决当今的数字挑战为中心, 为公司提供必要的软件开发外包解决方案,以创建人们喜爱的产品.

他们的服务范围很广 including product delivery, 产品设计, 软件工程, 工程数据, 质量保证, 和站点可靠性工程(SRE). Octobot特别擅长执行成功的软件开发项目,专注于以用户为中心的设计和强大的技术解决方案.


近岸外包 stands out as a balanced approach, offering the benefits of cultural proximity and time zone alignment, without compromising on quality or 具有成本效益的ness.

无论你是想扩充你的团队, 外包一个项目, 或者转换您的业务流程, these companies offer tailored solutions to meet your specific needs. Embracing nearshore outsourcing is more than a trend; it’s a strategic move towards sustainable growth and competitive advantage in the global marketplace.

要了解更多信息, 预约电话 今天与我们的成长专家一起为您的公司探索近岸外包解决方案.


世界杯足彩全球的、经过审查的人才 & 拥有1840人的队伍

